Best Paper Awards
2024: Volos, Greece
The 2024 awardees were:
Best Paper | “Method, Testing Procedure and System for the Experimental Characterization of Power Inductors,” presented by Nicola Femia.
Best paper Runner-Up | “Harvesting RTN for True Random Number Generators and Physical Unclonable Functions,”presented by Francisco Rubio-Barbero.
Best Paper Honorable Mention | “A Learning-Based Method for Performance Optimization of Timing Analysis,”presented by Anastasis Vagenas.
2023: Funchal, Portugal
The 2023 awardees were:
Runner-up DES | “Design and Implementation of a GPU-Based Digital Predistortion Linearizer for RF Power Amplifiers,”presented by Wantao Li.
Runner-up ETA | “Exploitation of Subharmonic Injection Locking for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Coupled Oscillators using VO2 based devices,”presented by Juan Núñez.
BP DES | “A Novel Area Efficient Inductorless Super-Regenerative Receiver Front-End for Medical Brain Implants,”presented by Gunhan Dundar.
Runner-up DES | “Design and Implementation of a GPU-Based Digital Predistortion Linearizer for RF Power Amplifiers,”presented by Wantao Li.
BP CAD/EDA | “Synthesizable ADPLL Generator: From Specification to GDS,”presented by Kyumin Kwon.
Runner-up CAD/EDA | “A detailed, cell-by-cell look into the effects of aging on an SRAM PUF using a specialized test array,”presented by Andres Santana-Andreo.
2022: Sardinia, Italy
The 2022 awardees were:
Best Paper | “Exploiting Saturable Inductors in SEPIC Regulators ,”presented by Nicola Femia.
Best Paper Runner-up | “Machine Learning Approaches for Transformer Modeling ,”presented by Fabio Passos.
YP Best Paper | “Multi-harvesting smart solution for self-powered wearable objects ,”presented by Malek Teib.
WiCAS Best Paper | “Accelerating Electromigration Stress Analysis Using Low-Rank Balanced Truncation,”presented by Olympia Axelou.
IC Design Contest
2024: Volos, Greece @ sponsored by MDPI
The 2024 winners were:
“Two Stage Diode-String Architecture for Ultra-Low Power Digital to Analog Converters” presented by Andreas Tsiougkos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
“Rapid Prototyping Platform for Integrated Circuits for Quantum Computing” presented by Jonas Mair, ZEA-2
2023: Funchal, Portugal @ co-sponsored by MDPI
The 2023 winner was:
“Paving the Way for the Electronic Design Automation of Power Management Units,”presented by Carlos Santos, IST-Ulisboa, INESC-ID.
EDA Competition
The student EDA competition has been a vital, thrilling, and dynamic event that has taken place in SMACD conferences since the 2012 edition with one unique goal: “Enhance design automation for integrated circuits and systems.” The SMACD EDA Competition requires submitting a full paper, a presentation by the contesting student(s), and a live demonstration of the EDA tool. The contestants then enrolled in a challenging discussion with a jury panel of industry, academia, and IEEE CEDA members. The jury distinguished the best applications. A monetary prize of $1,000 has been awarded to the winners of SMACD’s EDA Competition.
Submit your work and become the newest member of SMACD’s hall of fame!!
2024: Volos, Greece @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2024 winners were:
“Area-Aware Logic Mapping for MAGIC based In-Memory Computing” presented by Jiaxiang Pan, Ningbo University.
“Fast ML-driven Analog Circuit Layout using Reinforcement Learning and Steiner Trees”presented by Davide Basso, University of Trieste.
2023: Funchal, Portugal @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2023 winners were:
“Single-Electron-Transistor Compact Model for Spin-Qubit Readout,”presented by Samantha van Rijs, Delft University of Technology.
“RapidIP – Fast & Universal Synthesis of RF-Circuits,”presented by David Bierbuesse, RWTH Aachen University.
2022: Sardinia, Italy @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2022 winner was:
- “A Design Flow and EDA-Tool for an Automated Implementation of ASIC Configuration Interfaces,”presented by Johannes Bastl, RWTH Aachen University.
2021: Erfurt, Germany @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2021 awarded tools were:
- “Trash or Treasure? Machine-Learning PCB layout anomaly detection with AnoPCB,”presented by Julian Kuners, Technische Universität Ilmenau.
- “Adaptive Test Bench Generation, Simulation and Parameter Extraction for AMS Circuitry,”presented by Alexander Meyer, RWTH Aachen University.
- “A Deep Learning Toolbox for Analog Integrated Circuit Placement,”presented by António Gusmão, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Lisboa.
2019: Lausanne, Switzerland @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2019 awarded tools were:
Winner | “TiDeVa: A Toolbox for the Automated and Robust Analysis of Time-Dependent Variability at Transistor Level,”presented by Pablo Saraza-Canflanca, IMSE-CNM, CSIC and Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Runner up | “Mixed-Signal Hardware Security Using MixLock: Demonstration in an Audio Application,”presented by Julian Leonhard Sorbonne, Université, CNRS, LIP6, France
2018: Prague, Czech Republic @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2018 awarded tools were:
- “SETA: A CAD tool for Single Event Transient Analysis and Mitigation on Flash-based FPGAs,”presented by Sara Azimi, Politecnico di Torino.
- “ToPoliNano & MagCAD: a Complete Framework for Design and Simulation of Digital Circuits based on Emerging Technologies,”presented by Umberto Garlando, Politecnico di Torino.
- “ReSeMBleD- Methods for Response Surface Model Behavioral Description,”presented by Maike Taikken, University of Bremen.
2017: Giardini Naxos – Taormina, Italy @ co-sponsored by IEEE CEDA and IEEE CAS
The 2017 awarded tools were:
Winner | “A New Method for the Analysis of Movement Dependent Parasitics in Full Custom Designed MEMS Sensor,”presented by Axel Hald, Automotive Electronics, Robert Bosch Reutlingen.
Runner up | “CASE: A Reliability Simulation Tool for Analog ICs,”presented by Pablo Martín-Lloret, Instituto de Microelectronica de Sevilla.
Runner up | “Automated Generation of System-Level AMS Operating Condition Checks: Your Model’s Insurance Policy,”presented by Georg Gläser, Insitut fur Mikroelektronik und Mechatronik Systeme gemeinnutzige.
2016: Lisbon, PT @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2016 awarded tools were:
Winner | “SCALES: A High Speed Simulator Tool for Pipeline A/D Converters,”presented by Carlos Silva, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (Ex Aequo).
Winner | “SIDe-O: A Toolbox for Surrogate Inductor Design and Optimization,”presented by Fábio Passos, Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (Ex Aequo).
Runner up | “Safety-oriented Mixed-Signal Verification of Automotive Power Devices in a UVM Environment,”presented by Sebastian Simon, Infineon Technologies AG, Munich (Runner up).
Runner up | “A Novel Polygon-Based Circuit Extraction Algorithm for Full Custom Designed MEMS Sensors,”presented by Axel Hald, Automotive Electronics, Robert Bosch Reutlingen (Runner up).
2015: Istanbul, Turkey @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2015 awarded tools were:
- “AIDA: Robust Layout-Aware Synthesis of Analog ICs including Sizing and Layout Generation,”presented by Ricardo Martins, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Lisboa.
- “Automation of FPGA Performance Monitoring and Debugging Using IP-XACT and Graph-Grammars,”presented by Munish Jassi, Institute for Electronic Design Automation Technische Universitat Munchen.
- “Radix-2r Arithmetic for FIR Filter Design Optimization,”presented by Ahmed Liacha, Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées System Architecture and Multimedia Division, Algiers.
2012: Seville, Spain @ sponsored by IEEE CEDA
The 2012 awarded tools were:
1.“UVM-based Verification of Smart-Sensor Systems,”presented by Felix Neumann, Technical University of Ilmenau.
2.“Systematic Generation of Performance Models of Reconfigurable Analog Circuits,”presented by Manuel Velasco-Jimenez, University of Seville.
3.“An efficient linear-time variant simulation technique of oscillator phase sensitivity function,”presented by Federico Pepe, Politecnico di Milano (Ex Aequo).
4.“An Automated Layout-Aware Design Flow,”presented by Antonio Toro-Frías, University of Sevilla (Ex Aequo).
Honourable Mention | “AIDA: Automated Analog IC Design Flow from Circuit Level to Layout,”presented by Nuno Lourenço, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Lisboa.