
How to get to Volos

There are several ways to get to the city of Volos, most of them being a combination of public means of transport. The simplest way to come to Volos is to get a direct flight to Athens or Thessaloniki, and then use a scheduled intercity bus route to Volos as indicated below. You may also wish to allocate a day or two for a tour of Pelion, an area of unique natural beauty and the mythological home of the Centaurs.

From Athens

The Athens Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport is located 27 km east of the city of Athens. A large number of European and International carriers fly direct into Athens. The airport has excellent public transit connections to the city.

There are two alternative ways to go from Athens to Volos:

  • By intercity train: From the Athens airport, you can use the Metro (blue) line to go from the Airport straight to “Syntagma”, where you change from the blue line to the red line. You should get off at “Larissa station” and get a train ticket to Volos. You will need to change over at the city of Larissa with the same ticket. For more information on the train service: https://www.hellenictrain.gr/en
  • By intercity bus: From the Athens airport, using bus X93 or taxi (not metro), you should get off at “Liosion Bus Terminal” stop and get a direct ticket to Volos. Indicative Timetable from Athens to Volos: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00. Ticket price: one way €29,90, return €54. For more information on intercity (KTEL) buses: https://ktelvolou.gr/en/home/

From the airport to the city center, the bus station, or the railway station you may use:

  • Metro service that will cost you €8
  • Bus service that will cost you €6
  • Taxi that may cost you up to €35-40 during the day and €50+ during the night. The cars are easily recognized because they are all yellow with illuminated sign marked “TAXI” on top.

From Thessaloniki

Flights to Thessaloniki are available by many airlines from various parts of Europe. There are direct flights to Thessaloniki from London, Milan, Munich, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dusseldorf, Amsterdam, Zurich, Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Belgrade, Larnaca, Istanbul and Bucharest. During summer months there are also many charter flights, especially from cities in Germany and the UK.

There are two alternative ways to go from Thessaloniki to Volos:

  • By intercity bus: Timetable information and online booking can be found at https://ktelvolou.gr/en/home/. Indicative Timetable from Thessaloniki to Volos: 8:30, 11:15, 13:15, 15:15, 17:15, 19:15, 21:15, 23:00. Ticket price: one way €20, return €36
  • By intercity train: Timetable information can be found at https://www.hellenictrain.gr/en. Ticket prices: €15 – €23.

From the airport to the city center, the bus station, or the railway station you may use:

  • Bus service: The airport is served by a 24-hour bus service from Thessaloniki Urban Transport Organization. On arrival at the Macedonia International Airport Terminal of Thessaloniki you can use the Bus 01X (or Bus 01N during night hours), route Airport – KTEL /central bus station, which goes directly to the city center. A ticket can be purchased from the ticket machine on the bus, but keep in mind that the ticket machine does not return spare change. A single journey ticket costs € 2.00.
  • Taxi: The cars are easily recognized because they are all blue and white with illuminated sign marked “TAXI” on top. The cost to the bus station should be about €20-25.

Fly directly to Volos

The Nea Anchialos National airport is a small airport around half an hour drive from the city of Volos located 27km south-west from the city. It serves several destinations (charter flights) such as: Amsterdam, Brussels, Geneva, London, Munich, Paris, Tel Aviv, and Vienna.Airlines using the Nea Anchialos National airport include: Austrian Airlines, Condor, Hop, Transavia, Transavia France, TUIfly, small planet, TUS airways.

From the airport to the city, you may use the public bus service (managed by KTEL buses) or take a taxi. For more information on the airport: http://www.thessalyairport.gr/index.php?lang=en

Volos by car

Volos is at the heart of Greece easily accessible virtually from anywhere. You should foresee a 3hour ride from Athens (324 km) or a 2hour ride from Thessaloniki (218 km). The highway connecting all three cities is modern and comfortable. You should be expecting to spend around €20 for tolls and €60-80 of gas each way.


SMACD Airport Shuttle Buses

The SMACD Organization will make available shuttle buses from Athens and Thessaloniki airports to Volos on July 1st (and July 2nd on the request of sufficient number of passengers), and from Volos to Athens and Thessaloniki airports on July 6th (both at fixed times). To register for the service, please fill in the form in the button below.
Update: The SMACD Bus will depart from Athens airport to Volos on July 1st @ 20:00 (tentatively), and from Thessaloniki airport to Volos on July 1st @ 17:30 (tentatively). Departure times from Volos to Athens and Thessaloniki airports on July 6th will be announced at the SMACD Secretariat.

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