Tutorials & Special Sessions

Call for Tutorials & Special Sessions

The SMACD 2024 organizing team invites researchers and professionals in the areas of the conference to propose Tutorials and Special Sessions (SS) to be held in this year's edition.

Proposals should be made to the Tutorials & SS Chairs:

  • Sarah Azimi (sarah.azimi@polito.it)
  • Vasilis Ntinas (vasileios.ntinas@tu-dresden.de)
  • Thomas Noulis (tnoul@physics.auth.gr)
  • Georgios Sirakoulis (gsirak@ee.duth.gr)
  • Ralf Sommer (Ralf.Sommer@tu-ilmenau.de)


Tutorials allow participants to explore innovative trends and learn new techniques from experts on specific topics. SMACD solicits proposals for tutorials of 90 minutes (although tutorials of 180 minutes in 2 blocks of 90 minutes may be considered). Tutorial proposers should provide the following information:

  • Title and Brief Description of the Tutorial
  • Name(s) and Short bio(s) of the presenter(s)

Approved Tutorial presenters are strongly encouraged to submit a 4-page (IEEEXplore-compatible) invited paper to accompany the tutorial.

Tutorial proposal deadline: March 25th 2024


Special sessions (SS) provide the opportunity to focus in detail on emerging topics that are not reflected in the list of conference tracks or represent a specific working field where researchers would like to meet and discuss advances. SS proposers should provide the following information to the Tutorials & SS Chairs:

  • Title of the Special Session
  • Brief description of the Special Session (with particular focus on why this is an exciting and significant topic)
  • Names and affiliations of the SS organizers
  • A list of at least 5 contributed papers with authors, affiliations, and tentative paper titles

SS paper submission deadline: March 13th 2024, 23:59 GMT